Thursday, October 23, 2008


Reported on Ben Smith's blog today:

In tonight's NBC News interview with Brian Williams, McCain explains that the "elites" are located in D.C. and New York City:

WILLIAMS: Who is a member of the elite?

PALIN: Oh, I guess just people who think that they're better than anyone else. And-- John McCain and I are so committed to serving every American. Hard-working, middle-class Americans who are so desiring of this economy getting put back on the right track. And winning these wars. And America's starting to reach her potential. And that is opportunity and hope provided everyone equally. So anyone who thinks that they are-- I guess-- better than anyone else, that's-- that's my definition of elitism.

WILLIAMS: So it's not education? It's not income-based? It's--

PALIN: Anyone who thinks that they're better than someone else.

WILLIAMS: --a state of mind? It's not geography?

PALIN: 'Course not.

WILLIAMS: Senator?

MCCAIN: I-- I know where a lot of 'em live. (LAUGH)

WILLIAMS: Where's that?

MCCAIN: Well, in our nation's capital and New York City. I've seen it. I've lived there. I know the town. I know-- I know what a lot of these elitists are. The ones that she never went to a cocktail party with in Georgetown. I'll be very frank with you. Who think that they can dictate what they believe to America rather than let Americans decide for themselves.

If Barack Obama had called New York City the elite, a city where everyone thinks they are "better than anyone else", we'd be hearing nothing but "9-11, 9-11, 9-11, 9-11, 9-11" until the end of the election. Rudy himself would don a dress and shout it from the top of the Chrysler building. And they'd amp up their Obama-as-terrorist-sympathizer meme and fall just short of blaming him for the destruction of the World Trade Center.

How do these anti-American Republicans get away with this? They are a bunch of cowards.

I'd like to point out that I live in Chicago, the 3rd biggest city in America. Therefore, in Palin's pea brain, I am an elitist.

Yet, I spent the majority of my childhood in a small town, and I can honestly say I met more snobby people who thought they were better than me in that small-town than I've met in 12 years living in Chicago -- in the nicest areas, I might add. (My sister works in NYC and feels the same way.)


Fuck you, John McCain!

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