Friday, November 14, 2008


Thank you John McCain and Sarah Palin for riling up the nutjob wing of the GOP to the point where record numbers of people (read: their wacky right-wing supporters) want to inflict serious harm upon Barack Obama.

The number of threats against Obama is higher than any other president-elect. I can only imagine how poorly Michelle Obama sleeps some nights.

Well, what should we expect when we have numbnuts like this running around the country? NOT ONE of the leaders of this wing of the GOP has stood up and told these people to calm down, give Obama some breathing room, let him have his shot, and, by the way, he's not a terrorist!

Oh yeah. Don't forget jerk-offs like these people, either.

Personally, I can't ever forgive McCain or Palin for the campaign they ran. I fear for Obama's safety.

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