Matt Drudge, internet-gossip hag, will be the smelly, natural by-product of the beaten McCain volunteer story. Because yet another attempt to push the campaign narrative in McCain's direction has blown up in his face.
As we all know by now, the story of the McCain volunteer who claimed a BIG SCARY BLACK MAN carved a backwards "B" into her cheek was made up. And yesterday, Matt Drudge had a 14-inch hard-on for the story, complete with his little red siren -- so it must have been true.
Just the other day, Eric Boehlert wrote of how Drudge's influence this campaign season seems to have diminished. I happen to agree with him. It seems every story he has tried to push on the public has pretty much become a dud -- from his hyperventilating over the "lipstick on a pig" to his constant pushing of the ACORN story.
I quit reading Drudge everyday about a month ago (I've been on his site about 3 times since). My life is so much better because of it. I can't tell you how many times I was in a good mood, only to go to his site and have my day ruined by some blaring headline that later turned out to be a total non-story. Finally, I realized that I don't need him. There are plenty of places on the web to go for news. Real news. Even if it is a partisan website, a la Huffington Post or Real Clear Politics.
People are going to start abandoning Drudge on a massive scale. Especially since he will not apologize for his pushing this fake story about the McCain volunteer. The country is moving center-left and, as McCain's camp will tell you, we're all getting sick of the petty negativity pushed by the GOP for the last 30 years. Drudge, being their favorite avenue to push their slime tactics, will be going down with them.
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